Just lookin' for someone who can help, I need an FLHook plugin to edit the st_equip file to edit the cargo sizes of all of the equipment. A shiparch editing FLHook plugin would be greatly appreciated as well, to edit cargo sizes of ships. I also need the Venator and BattleStar ships to be able to have cloaks, jumpdrives, hyperscanners and docking modules. I'll pay money for these plugins to be made and use them according to how the GC dev team would like. Price is negotiable, I'm open to Ideas, compensation, restrictions and whatever. Please get back to me when you can. We love the Discovery Mod, but just want a few changes for our server. You can contact me at tylerdeniscasey@hotmail.com, the forums here at Bob_Chickman or the forums at PlayStarworlds.com at <SW>Radiation[Bob_Chickman]