(05-26-2013, 09:40 AM)LolRawr!? Wrote: It's also likely that they discussed the matter with indie Rogue groups to see what they thought as well. (If they didn't, then I stand corrected, but that's how I would have handled something like that, and I know that the leaders of other official factions out there also communicate with their indies in situations like this.)
As leader of the [LN], I try to keep the lines of communication between [LN] and cooperative, coherent, indie groups, open.
Other than the Liberty Navy, the Rogues don't really have many unofficial groups, and Rogue indies are much more rare aswell. However, this rephack was discussed already a year ago. And we decided to give it a try.
If there'll be a good reason to change it back again, we'll do. One can still RP a pirate in Liberty by simply picking a Hacker or Rogue ID. If they still want to dock at their bases, they'll have to suffer flying a 90% Sabre, instead of 100%.