She grabbed the glass with the fingers of an experienced drinker, quite unusual for a girl her age. "Well. My sister and I always been into the Gaian and worker movement on Leeds. But... Let's say we didn't have the best relationship whatsoever." Her voice was calm and she seemed like she didn't talk that often about things so personal. "She left me with my father when I was 16..." Her view shortly drifted away as if she was remembering something ugly. "She went to the Gaians, then fought in your ranks. I heard she found... someone. Must've been one of you. I think she was really happy back then, she... she even wrote me." She lowered her voice. "She send me your manifesto and reminded me of the things we had in common... Our goals and ideas." Lea looked at her glass absorbed in thought. "Then next message from her was about a year later. She said she would kill herself. That was all." She looked at Alexandrov. "She isn't with you anymore? Maybe the Gaians were right then and she is dead." Her voice stayed calm, but there was the sense of a shiver, a stutter as she pronounced the word dead. "A pity you never met her. She was able to be quite charming."