I'm an independant, i have two "capships" a gunboat and a cruiser. I also have 3 fighters and and advance train....
I'd like to think i RP well - i at least try.
When i first got here, i really hadn't fleshed out my RP yet, i probably did OORP things... its possible some of these people might be in the same situation i was.
Part of the RP of one of my characters is to NOT be in a faction.
Breathe before we start sanctioning people left right and centre and restricting what people can and cant fly - i really hope that doesn't happen - give people the chance to develop.
I also think another problem here is that many many many people who come to the server as independents don't speak English - its not thay they are "Cap whoring OORPers" per se, its just they probably dont understand whats going on, they dont register on the forums because they don't understand what we are saying. I try to RP with these people, but its a daily occurance for me to cross some unlucky guy flying around who tells me "Sorry my English not good". Would it be possible somewhere in the Readme file on the mod or the instructions for the server to have a few notes in a few major languages stating the fact that this is an English Rping server... warn them....? im sure there are enough players on here who speak English and another language that could make that happen.
My last point... Corsairs do have business in Liberty, at least until the artifact smuggling routes are fixed up...ive argued this before. But Lots of capsips arriving though to attack... should at least be Role played... attack all you want, but at least have some kind of story for WHY you're there.