' Wrote:I haven't read all the posts, and I won't read them all
WE LSF, SA, LPI, etc etc etc etc are tired to see independents and Wanabee factions around
As multiple LSF, SA, LPI told us (msg dumps, chat, skype etc) Ind are an Issue.
We have only one solution for the moment Me, Brian and Patrick spoke on skype and decided that the only solution was to kick them out of Liberty, and force them to register on forums to ask for a permission to operate in liberty. Otherwise they will be ELIMINATED on sight.
LSF is approving this idea, Just waiting for SA high command And LPI to say what they think about it.
Once we have the approval of all liberty Lawful factions We will kick them all out Mercilessly.
EDIT: Forgot to add,, yes there is some well respected Ind around, But they will still have to ask for the permission to operate in liberty, But It wont be hard for them to be approved if they have at least decent RP skills and a decent explanation for owning a capital ship
hmm...u just may save me the trouble of taking hunting pack of 6 or more Xenos in bombers to teach the big guys a lesson in manners...