' Wrote:Not point ing any fingers, but whens the last time anyone saw a thread complaining about outcast cap whores? This does work. The outcast council will be meeting soon (albiet out of role play) to come up with a list of regulations on this issue.
*Points to about 2 months ago* When you couldn't move in Gamma for all the Outcast capwhores crowding the place. It's one of the reasons I did the bolt.
Now it's the Corsair's turn. It goes like a see-saw.... first Outcasts, then Corsairs, back and forth, back and forth. In two months time, guess what...... we'll be having the same discussion about Outcasts.
If we can break the cycle...... nip the OORP behavior in the bud before than can buy a capship, so that they either become good RP'ers (as many people have), or bugger off, then the better.
For one thing, there is absolutely no justification for Corsairs to be in Liberty. It should be a sanction right there. What's next, Outcasts in Rheinland? Farmers Alliance in Bretonia? Wild in my back yard?