' Wrote:Xenos theoretically receive supplies and funding from various shipping companies hoping to strike an indirect blow at foreign competition.
Did not know that. Thank you, I might add that to the 'guide' at some point. You also did a wonderful job awhile back in offering to escort me out of liberty when I came in from Bering; it seems proper RP for xenos.
<explanation, response to Single Earred Dude>
Phantoms are far too mysterious for us mere mortals to bother with, and they're doing fine handling admission and RP. As far as I can tell, anyway, if anyone disagrees I'm sure they can find the appropriate thread to complain in. Not here.
As far as terrorists acquiring ships, the vast majority of them are terrorists with a cause, likely a few lawful supporters (Bundschuh, for example) willing to give them some funding or acquire ships for them, and probably won't be attacking all lawfuls, just the ones they don't like. Example: Gaians have no reason to attack, say, Universal as far as I can tell, without some serious RP stretching. On top of having inside men (in-game; acquiring ships before going openly hostile), zoners are neutral to everyone except the scant few they like. No terrorist faction except POSSIBLY the phantoms (at their discretion...) has anything against the zoners, and shouldn't feel OORP for using the freeports as safe havens; that's what they are designed for. The same goes for buying their ships.
Thanks for bringing that up, as I'm sure some people might not know where to go for funds after getting their tags/ID.
EDIT: Looks like Unselie got to it before I finished typing. Wow, didn't seem so long until I posted it.