Some of you have stated that we should ignore these guys in their Capital ships. Right, how do yo do that. Its hard to ignore a Cap ship thats firing you and draining you shields faster than a toilet that flushes.
The solution to this is not Admins job, its the different Factions Job. The TBH are busy sorting out our problem with indies in Cap ships, and so should the other Factions as well. Where the admins can come in is when these factions fail to do this. Now, their will be allot of squealing regarding the factions responsibilities over indies in their system, but this is RP.
Lets RP a little. Bear with me.
LSF Fighter, flying in Liberty, your Job, is the Security of your system and all traders and ships in that system. You come across an Non-Military Battle ship flown by a civilian? Now think to yourself, as a military pilot what will your actions be. Logically mine would be as follows:
WTF, military command come in, this is military Patrol Gamma 1, position E3 liberty space. I have an unmarked Battleship in liberty space. Requesting destroyers from Fort Bush to intercept.
Now, Standard military protocol, in the name of System Stability, Security and Logical thinking would dictate that this vessel be removed either by force or escorted out of the system, to become the next Factions problem. This way the LSF or whatever have complete control over the system. This way these indies will be thrown out of every factions ruling systems. Soon they will have nowhere to run, and maybe will get the Idea.
So What I am saying, NOT taking care of these guys is OORP in itself. Because in the RP world no self respecting Navy, Organization, Criminal house, Pirate Faction, Zoner Alien, Junker Scavenger, Nomad drifter or whatever faction you belong to would/should tolerate such a high security risk as an unmarked civilian flying anything bigger than a GB.
Now, does this not make RP sense? Or am I just missing the ball completely?