Genossen, I have something very urgent to inform you all about.
Today, I made what was to be a relatively routine meeting with sympathetic elements at Heisenburg, Koeln. Waiting in orbit of the station was a lone Buro agent. He was not immediately threatening, but I did not let down my guard.
I am mildly hesitant to share several of the "highlights" of this long discourse, as it is somewhat revealing of my background. I will trust my fellow Genossen, however.
He was evidently unsure that I was in fact Oberst of the Widerstand until I explicitly told him so, and this has me worried. It implies that the Buro is attempting to cause our group to turn upon itself, and they intended to start at the "bottom" instead of with me.
As a result, I find I will have to implore something of you, Genossen. I have no doubts that the Buro will continue this tactic and try to sway you from your comrades here in the Widerstand.
We are made strong through our differences; we come from all walks of life. No matter what brought you to the Widerstand, Genossen... Your conscience was involved. You are not here for the credits; far better to work for the Hessians or Unioners for that. You are not here for the "glory"; bask with the Coalition if that is your aim.
Your consciences were involved in bringing you here. I am trusting all of you to have your consciences see you carry out what millions of Rheinlanders count on you to do. You shed blood, tears, and sweat for the benefit of the common man, the impoverished women and children living in fear and terror.
I will never give in to corruption, genossen. I hope, if nothing else, you will vaguely follow my example, though not blindly. Use your hearts and minds.