(06-08-2013, 10:40 AM)GTB Wrote: What do you mean by most people use their player-base for ooRP, don’t quite follow you on that one?
Giving access to base to players regardless of ID resulting in players docking on the same base from factions from across Sirius and Gallia, from ones even hostile to eachother, Maquis, GRN, Xeno, RM, Hessian, Sair, OC on same base for example. Taking advantage of location (like blocking down a gateway) and construction capabilities without valid RP reason. Manufacturing stuff for players, not characters. Just a good few examples.
(06-08-2013, 10:40 AM)GTB Wrote: When we had a base it got used to buy and sell code weps for instance to get people coming, and because it was “Freelancer” tagged most civilian weapons was added for sale from NPC bases to be inRP like Delibs and Purples e.t.c. Hence, creating another Freelancer base you could buy the best CIV weps from as an extra option. It also bought commodities from traders that the base needed to survive at a decent price, along with buying and selling ORE to try and tempt traders to use the base. So felt it did offer a few role-play aspect for using by other people, which was the whole idea.
A good example of an inRP base.
(06-08-2013, 12:19 PM)Tyber.Zann Wrote: The problem, as I see it, is the same as every other aspect of the game. Folks who like to RP are inspired by an idea and build bases to indulge their imaginations. Others see them, and use them, as two dimensional game tools. They can store stuff and build stuff.
The latter are the type who buy ships based on nothing but stats. They don't create stories as to how they got them or who pilots or crews them. The former are likely to fly a less formidable ship because they like the story behind them, or the look of them, or because the ship simply fits their chosen RP. There's room for both types of players here.
Bases are difficult to build, maintain, and destroy. I don't think we need an overhaul of the system.
OoRP ppl are somewhat regulated when flying their ships, to at least stay inRP to some degree. Why shouldn't be they regulated when dealing with their bases too?
(06-08-2013, 12:52 PM)Anaximander Wrote: SRP bases and official faction ownership are by no means a guarantee of anything. Look at the TAZ base used to violently guard the only sell point for a ship that doesn't even belong to them in-rp. Or that violent jump hole base to Baffin that did exactly what ZA are now catching hell for doing with their ships. Don't get me started on the Hogs...
Ravenhurst Watch is to ensure people actually obey to the points of the Pentabarf. TAZ locked down their sacred temple for a good reason. Bases seemed to be a good tool for something they lack constant manpower for.
Malaclypse Freeport, by my knowledge, has been set up "all hostile" due to some lolwut outcasts, and been restored to normal since then. Besides, anybody applying to a highway permit (read: Roleplaying) could freely pass even in that short period of time. The actual purpose of the station is to fortify the system from a possible GRN advance, and not so little RP is going about it.
(06-08-2013, 12:52 PM)Anaximander Wrote: Let bases be for all, make them easier/less timeconsuming to maintain and make them easier to kill.
Been playing with the idea myself too. Would be interesting to see how it would turn out.
(06-08-2013, 01:10 PM)GTB Wrote: Well said, must admit that zoner base in Baffin was very annoying to say the least. But I've not played on server for weeks now, I hear they changed that so the base turrets don't shoot at you anymore jumping into that Baffin system. That was a bad joke if you ask me, if I could have taken that base out - I would have done!
You also hit on a good point about the ID thing with player bases and ooRP. Zoner ain’t hostile to anyone, so why is a zoner base killing "any faction" player jumping into Baffin indiscriminately not added to base list, to me that's ooRP and a prime example of a base being abused for somebody own entertainment, just to see people killed by it.
Read above. Also, could you point me anybody been enjoying the destruction of all those ships passing the hole unaware of ongoing RP?
(06-08-2013, 03:40 PM)Katherine Wrote: RP sounds nice,however your method only requires forum RP,and that we have,however..ingame RP..we mostly lack of that part nowadays
invincible bases near jumpgates,planets and jump holes will kill the game even more if the bases don't require ingame maintenance or even to play 1 hour on that character for a month..
Thats the difference of ingame base construction and forum base construction and maintenance which is a little silly to allow it..
I'm interested in how would you solve in-game interaction between a PoB and a player.
(06-08-2013, 03:40 PM)Katherine Wrote: if quality and quantity on what you wrote doesnt apply..the what should?
In my opinion both quality and quantity should apply when it comes to RP. But as I am not part of the Administration team, I can not be entirely sure about on what they base their decision when deciding upon the fate of each SRP.
(06-08-2013, 03:40 PM)Katherine Wrote: Why?shouldn't you role play with the actual faction instead,either the ones unlawful or lawful that you wish to build your base in their area..that sounds more appropriate since you wish the bases to be a result of role play only..even if that means 1day-3 months to get an answer from some official faction,2-3months to be on probation period and then get killed with words written in 30mins
Preexisting RP is as far as I know one of the things the Administration team bases their decisions on, and such can indeed, and I think is encouraged to happen between the relevant parties inRP. An actual ooRP consent can help too in my opinion.
(06-08-2013, 03:40 PM)Katherine Wrote: if a player RP that he already destroyed it ,by bringing 'millions upon millions' of battleships,what chance will give the owner of defending,even if the owner unofficial factions may have more 'freelancers'[or whatever affiliation] active players than 1 guy in an official faction with low activity[just an exemple..]
I would leave it to the fair judgement of the Administration team whether to accept or deny such attempt at roleplaying, which at some excessive cases like the hypothetical one you mentioned could be considered powergaming.
(06-08-2013, 03:40 PM)Katherine Wrote: *i just think that a rp server..your ingame actions and role play should have a more reflect to the lore rather than your forum activity combined with writing skills and your language advantage that you may have over others and that you would be bound/,limited by it rather than be a little inventive,than..i see x faction ship with x faction iff,the lore says they are criminals.."guns hot"=>blue message,yup that happens..
Thing is, when you deal with a static object like a PoB instead of an actual player/character, things get very very different. It is very likely you will not get response when addressing a base in-game, and the very moment it becomes the case you can forget the dynamism of in-game encounters, and only resort to forumlancing. Besides there is way more lolwuttery in-game than on the forums (not saying there are none here, you can find your daily lolwut in here too).
(06-08-2013, 03:40 PM)Katherine Wrote: well..Liberty,Bretonia,borderworlds..that's two main houses with activity,however most of them dont stick to that and go even further..like the second "lolberty" in O-74..
The addition of Bretonia to the LN ZoI is a fresh one and highly restricted by my knowledge. And I've seen no "lolberty" in O-74, could you tell me who it was?
(06-08-2013, 04:30 PM)GTB Wrote: Hmm, in-game RP being mentioned? One thing on DISCO that used to annoy not just me, but seen it annoy other players also to the point of arguing about it with another char. Those bored people who sit in a system, such as IMG in Tau-23. Then when seeing you as a IMG Miner head to ore field, they suddenly switch to Pirate char to come taxing you 5 minutes later, then log back to same IMG char again. It’s not hard to spot it happening at times, is that RP?
Hard accusations towards an official faction. So far I thought of IMG as hardcore roleplaying folks going on regular convoys, interacting with their surroundings, etc. Even seen chatlogs of such and I can hardly believe anybody would just make such an amount of stuff up just to create a false image on a faction. Do you have anything to back up your claims or the only things you can provide us are suspicions?