We, most of the Corsairs, and I in particular, KNOW THAT Adrian!
But we really can't act without the full support of the Benitez and the OPG, which constitute a good portion of the factionalised Corsairs. And the thread isn't moving forward at a satisfactory pace, I agree. In fact, its not moving forward at all.
If it were my decision alone, I would still have problems entertaining your notion, as I cannot be mean due to ignorance.
@ Laowai.
I can't respond in RP to that, because you shouldn't know that information, in RP. It was published here to form and continue a discussion, with possible plans for the future. Not as general knowledge for all characters in Sirius to know, and use against us.
However, I understand your views on the matter. People who RP their ships, whether it be a fighter or a dreadnought, will be allowed to keep them, provided they use them in moderation.
But, last time I was in a fight, it was five UOG around gamma against, at least four battleships, three cruisers, four gunboats and six fighters/bombers. One gunboat was TBH, and the fighters were mostly if not wholely crewed by the TBH and the Benitez members.
I am sure you can agree that the UOG force, consisting of four fighters/bombers and a single gunboat, against four battleships alone would be silly, but with the whole supporting force behind it, that was unacceptable.
Those that have RP'ed to get a dreadnought, battleship or cruiser will keep them. But I dont think that "Cargotrain2" is a fitting name for a Praetyre cruiser, do you?
Provided they fulfill RP and use their ships showing restraint in PvP terms, they will be allowed to keep them, of course. You for example, RP'ed your ship, and I have no quarrel with you keeping it. However, "Cargotrain2" and whatever other silly names show no RP, and their players show even less restraint in PvP.
Is this a problem? I think so.
As a note:
I really do grow tired of diplomacy. Nothing ever gets done, ever. Corsair council, Zoner council, whatever council, its all the same. Too much of :rtfm:and not enough action taken. I much prefer dictatorship, in the good ol' days.