"Ah.. well then..." He starts sweating, attempting to control his emotions. "Leon Trotsky was a Soviet Revolutionary back in Sol. Trotsky helped Lenin, Stalin, and the Bolsheviks fight against the White Shirts in Russia on Earth to establish a utopian communist society. The Bolsheviks pushed for a society run by the Proletariat, the working class. Eventually Mr. Trotsky was betrayed by his comrades in the Soviet Union & exiled. It is believed he was assassinated by the KGB by orders of Stalin after Trotsky & the moment had a sort of "falling out period". Quite unfortunate circumstances for a man that whole heartedly supported the worker's movement. Now Trotskyism is composed of the idea of a constant state of revolution, in which the control of power is cycled. It also promoted reforms, as well as a bridge toward establishing a state of socialism overall." He stares back at Kyu, hoping his answer was sufficient for her liking.