' Wrote:I dont really know, last I've seen wasnt about independents, it was the OPG coming in liberty.
And OPG are corsairs, and I KNOW, some of you are on the forum. Get the message already.
And as I've said, I find the route of alaska utterly ridiculous because you are basically rolling in the most secret military base ever. I dont know how you can survive in this - there are liberty patrols everywhere. You should die rather quick, considering they should kill anything not liberty on sight.
I dunno, the way i see it - there is nothing wrong with the route.
Zone 21 and Alaska are hardly secret, everyone knows they are there. They are off limits - to people who actually care about the laws of Liberty, which the Corsairs definitely do not. The Corsairs would have knowledge of this area by their own exploration and more so by the fact that they are allied with the Order.
There are liberty patrols everywhere, and sure they will attack corsairs.. but, again, Corsairs wouldn't really care - yep, its a risk taking your ship that way if you're a trader, but hey, the cash at the end is worth it. And if you go in in military vessels.. well,... your not gonna worry about any lsf navy patrols.
Way i see it, its the job of the liberty forces to police Alaska and Zone 21 and keep the Corsairs out. It's not up to the Corsairs to police themselves in this area - If the Liberty forces aren't stopping them, or cant catch them, then why would they stop?
Corsair: uh oh... we're heading into Alaska, thats got liberty patrols and is very secret, we cant go there because the liberty navy says so.....