- Tell us about your previous experiences?I'm kind of a Space Rookie, but i often used to flight with handy ships. For fun. Since few month, i earn money with transports, between Bretonian and Omega systems. Always ready to learn !
- Why would you want to join ALG Waste Disposal?I'm not a good transport pilot, but i can be usefull in a defensive ship. I met 3 ALG pilots, they seem to be fun, havin' good time together and i have nowhere to go. So i thought ALG can be a good place for me.
- If a pirate threatens to blow you up, and you're carrying toxic waste, what would you do?I think my answer will be : "When i saw you, i said << I'm in a crappy situation ...>> but then i remember i'm already sit on 500.000 tons of radioactive crap, so ... Crap in any case."
- Have you read the laws of the houses within Sirius, understand them and abide by them?YES (Cross through what is not applicable)