Myself I do very rarely fly caps, and never did any training, and still I can kill stuff so easily. Seeing how easy caps are to fly, and how strong they are at the same time - it's no suprise that so many people fly them.
I'd be for restricting them to official factions and/or make them damn expensive or only to get via SRP request.
Or just leave everything as it is. They're easy to fly and easy to kill - so where's the problem?
I smell your brain fart from over here... First, on the screeny we can see that there was only one bomber/fighter, we can't tell, you were 4 people as far as i can count. You fired 2 missiles at a target that was standing still and probably typing at that moment... Wow... i'm suprised, lol, not.
Second , you yourself said that you are flying caps rarely, why do you then bother to post here? You have no expirience at all, that, you said yourself.
Third, you said caps are op, but later you say, they're easy to kill... lol-ing even harder!