That's funny because as I remember killing the first lot of bases, we didn't give up because it was loltoo strong (Who cares, you can bypass it easily anyway) it was because it got extremely boring very fast (And yes I was there on my nomad shooting the first lot of bases). Frankly I don't see any nomads around much anyway.
Also the attacking side didn't give up. People just have life to deal with. Jesus.
No offense but when I ATLEAST try to RP with a 'ZA' or enemy, whatever, they just either "LOL U MEEEETAGAEMER!!! STOPPPP" or some powergaming RP/OORP, or just run and dock. That isn't very interesting. I love how ZA don't even bother to defend 74 or their bases.
Atleast I'm TRYING to keep out of the OORPness. Christ.