Short bio:
"Where... where am I ?"
" In a hospital, here in pennsylvania. Rheinland ships saved your life from your burning ship in Omicron Major ."
" I...I cant remember .. how long im here in pennsylvania?"
" 2 Years ,sir"
" WHAT?! 2 years?!?! "
" You had a heavy concussion... but now you ´re awake. We let you go tomorrow"
"mhmm... well... thanks doctor"
(Rheinland ships saved me..? But why I flew to an nomad system... allone? ... oh men.. I should sleep a bit...)
" Good morning Sir. I signed the documents. Now you can go "
" ... Good morning... uh.. now? okay.. "
" Dont move to fast... You must to habituate your body."
" Ok doctor. thank you for everything"
( So... I'm unemployed... and I have no ship.. I should go in a bar.. )
" HEY ! look who is here"
"uhm... Hello sir. We know each other ?"
"Yeah. I saved you from the nomad system."
"Really?? I cant remember of anything what happenend... "
" I too... it was to hectic.. and long ago"
"I think you´re Rheinland, what are you doing here in Liberty?"
" I was born here... so i stay here with my parents.
I think you are unemployed...? go to Rheinland. Work as a Police, by the Republican Shipping, DHC and much more.. there are a lot to do in Rheinland."
" but... i have no ship how am I supposed to get there?"
" oh right... hmm... i have a very old starflier... I'll give you the ship. I know its not a Battleship but... better than nothing"
"Wow thanks..!!! "
" No problem , sir. good luck "
Why do you want to work for Daumann? I've met some DHC- people. There really friendly. They ask me to join us. So... here I am
Why do you think Daumann should hire you? I love Rheinland, I love Mining. I love this whole nation. I will help, protect and die for Rheinland and DHC.