To: LPI High Command
From: Officer Jonas Valent
Subject: Patrol Report
Priority: High
Latest Patrol Report
Ran my patrol through New York and encountered a outcast call sign "Trouble'. After seeing him attack civilians I engaged with LN-Michael Morse. He fled to the Badlands were i disengaged pursuit. I got a report later on that a bounty hunter ended this threat. Patrolled through Pennsylvania and encountered a ship call sign "Bloody Mary' that had illegal Rhineland weaponry. After repeated warnings without response i was forced to open fire and i destroyed this vessel. I have also encountered many ships with police ids but who are not lawfuls stopping ships sometimes without cause and trying to levy fines. I request clarification on how to handle these ships.
I also have gotten a report that Sunbucks is introducing a new Triple Chocolate and Sprinkles Glazed Donut. Sounds like the perfect cop food. You can be sure ill be first in line to try these!