I noticed that there seems to be quite a jump between the firepower of a gunboat and that of a cruiser, and this is how it should be. However at the same time there is no long-range firepower option for a freelancer or pirate to use, since a GB is the max they can use.
Therefore i suggest, or rather, resuggest, an idea from long ago.
Missle frigates.
GB health and armor, size between a GB and a cruiser, and manuverability to match.
Defencive Armament: 4x gb turrets for snub defence.
Suggested firepower of torpedos: Sunslayer. (Low damage would be offset by salvos, making them harder to intercept.)
The intention of this ship would be to have a long-range capable ship in the hands of Pirates or freelancers to encourage team play, as this ship would be weak in close range combat. The intention is to assist in the bombardment of enemy capital ships or concentrations of units, but with the slowness of the torpedos transports would have a decent ability to dodge.
I believe this would add a good additonal ship type that would add to pirates/freelancers the ability to actually assist in somthing other than a snub, As well as add in multiple RP opportunities.
I would stress however, that the intent for this thing is to mount fIGHTER torps en masse, or a non-ammo equivilent, and NOT novas. Novas would be pretty overpowered (as would snac's)
This thing could be balanced out by its weapons by either an ammo count for them, re-using the fighter torpedo mounts and possibly 2 bomber torpedo mounts, if ammo is the way to go, or straight up ammoless fighter torpedos.
The number i was thinking of in the case of ammo would be 4 tubes, or 6 without ammo, using the weaker fighter torpedos.
I would also suggest a firework option for making pretty kabooms. (no damage, huge blast range like flak)