As someone said, it's not only unlawfuls (Corsairs) who go a bit OORP.
I just flown a Scimittar with no guns trough NY. SA and one LSF chased me.
I ran and docked to Bufalo after some time.
After about 5 minutes, I undocked, but SA guy was still there.
C'mon, don't camp unlawful bases, it's silly.
Do you see LH guys sitting in front of Norfolk waiting for you to undock?
After that, I hoped they will realize that i fled, and will leave me alone 'till I leave the system.
But, not really. I was then chased by 3 guys.
Of course I had to be boring.
Of course I had to be less dangerous then a Salad, with 2 guns mounted.
I don't mind you chaps chasing me at all, I didn't mind it when I had a dagger as well.
I didn't mind me being blown off by a Cruiser while I'v flown a Dagger.
Only thing that I ask is that you don't camp unlawful bases.
Please, that is totally ooRP.
No, I'm not whining, I just want you to realize that if I won't give you a fight (without weapons), you won't get it.
And that's it.
No need for sitting in front of Bufalo just to kill me as soon as I undock.
And if you did kill me while I was undocking, would you be happy?
Would you put me in a banner?
That achieves nothing.
Let's stay civilized, it's not all about getting a kill.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.