Yo. This is a dedicated thread dedicated to the dedication of the Bass Hunters.
Ask questions, rage, flame and such away.
Just a few things to note:
The group is not an RP group.The group does not exist ingame. None of the ships are related to each other, they do not use tags and other. The group consists of 23 independent players with access to multiple capital ships, dedicated to weed out any and all undernourished bases of Disco.
We beleive that as it was mentioned in the POB introduction, bases are a group effort and are supposed to be heavily influenced by groups. In other words, while you can UPKEEP a base all by yourself, you cannot simply go around the fact that you will not be able to PROTECT the base by yourself. Want a base? Good, get a group.
EDIT: Another thing to add here is that we TRY to do our best to attack only the bases we can attack within reason. In other words, ones which are directly belonging to IDs hostile to the ones we use to attack them. All RP is justified as an attack on an enemy installation.
Another note, dear moderators, please be so nice as NOT to lock the threads, even if flames are about. Let people vent if they want.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502