Today makes ta first video log from ta Phoenix Labs aboard Ames Research Station. I'll be makin' periodic reports here, as well as some of ta other scientists here who will need ta document their findin's and their projects.
First though, time for a tour of ta facilities! When ya first dock and get out of ta hanger, take a right and head down ta hallway towards ta Phoenix labs. I know it doesn't look like much, but just wait!
Through ta door, we'll enter into one of ta main generator rooms, as well as ta elevator that leads down to ta labs.
Once we get down to ta main level, ya can see here ta offices and desks of many of ta scientists. If ya notice on ta second floor we are still movin' many of ta boxes in, so forgive ta clutter. If ya follow meh to ta left, we'll head into ta labs themselves.
Welcome to ta first room of ta main laboratory's floor lads! Luckily majority of ta equipment and machinery is all in place, so I expect this room to be buzzin' within a few days time at most. Now please follow me to ta second laboratory floor.
Ah, here we are. Ya can see it's still a bit cluttered from ta move, but for ta most part it is all in place and ready. We have here a containment room, as seen on ta lower level to ta left, as well as access to ta more restricted labs, as well as meh office. We'll get there soon. For now, lets head to ta secondary labs to our left on this level.
This room here is is where we house a small Magnetic Resonance machine, allowing our scientists ta study both organic and inorganic samples. Bigger specimens are housed in ta next room.
Apologies for ta clutter here as well, as we are still movin' equipment here. But, ya get the basic idea. Large objects or subjects are held on ta tables for ta scientists to study, and we have another, larger containment room as well. If ya can follow meh, we'll go to ta third room on this level.
This is ta lab I was goin' to assign to Mr. Willson to help in ta study of ta Gallic Artifacts. This happens to also have a view of Kepler, specifically ta edge of ta Denko Cloud. Now, lets head to ta more restricted labs on ta lower level I mentioned before.
Ah, beautiful. This room houses some of ta most advanced equipment we have, as well as ta testing rooms for any development reaching it's final stages. As my office is in ta back on ta top level as ya can see, I'm able ta oversee ta final stages of our research. Ya might notice too on ta right, that I have already had two small containment modules waitin' for Mr. Willson's arrival with the two Gallic Artifact specimens. Once he arrives, we will double our efforts here to unlocking any special properties they may hold. Now, to meh office, and ta end of the tour so far.
Well lads, here we are in meh office, where I'll be monitorin' and sending meh periodic reports. Got a nice view of ta lab below, as well as some comforts when needed!
With that lads, I hope ya enjoyed ta end of ta tour of ta primary labs here in Ames, and I hope ta see ya'll soon.