The calm ticking stopped as Adrik snapped the watch closed and into his pocket, replacing the clock's modest sounds with the familiar clomp of his boots as he followed the woman. His face snapped attentively as they approached the room, a sudden wave of odors drifted into his nose. The pungent smell of cleaning material was masking the smell of blood, fresh by the scent of it, and he soon identified the source as they stepped into the office. He had seen this many times over in his life, hell he had caused it a number of those times, but something about seeing a man's head being dismembered and sprayed on a wall still gave him a sense of unease. Noticing his composure was slipping as the woman asked him to sit, he coughed politely to the crew and looked away from the mess, taking a seat across from the woman. Note to self, he thought behind his blank expression, don't piss her off. He watched her take her shoes off and put her feet on the table, a notion he might have mistaken as casual had he not seen the mess just behind him.