(08-08-2013, 11:57 AM)Karst Wrote: Yes, I am a connwhore.
Me too
Anaximander is right, but only partially - it's not like that people will leave their ships in Conn for ever and never take them anywhere else (although there certainly is group which will do that), some will need help with equipment transfer, some will get bored of current loadouts and want to change them, some will bring new ships, some will want to participate in raids and counter-raids...
Connecticut is really nice place to practice PvP, but it shouldn't replace interaction in "real" environment, and that's what happens now.
[2013-04-26 23:15:57] Michał Golański: wtf just happened in Conn
[2013-04-26 23:16:18] Jamie: You tell me.
[2013-04-26 23:16:37] Michał Golański: everyone in Conn died
[2013-04-26 23:16:40] Michał Golański: including [Admin]
[2013-04-26 23:17:21] Jamie: ...That may or may not have been a hostile team action.
[2013-04-26 23:17:34] Jamie: Probably to encourage people to do something productive.
[2013-08-04 17:48:54] Kikatsu (Jack): 17% of server in conn, (y)
Conn command fee forces people to participate in normal server gameplay, if they wish to continue visiting virtual system. One isn't banned in any way from going there, simply game mechanics requires of him some RP action outside Conn. Be it trading, piracy, collecting bounties or fees... He can go to Conn any time, he just needs small sum for that, earned in an inRP environment.
Don't think about it as of a punishment of some sort, treat it like value added tax.