Dmitry Dubovik was sitting into office on Boa Vista station, when he got message from secretar. Some funny guy sent application request towards SCRA. Dubovik remembered that he removed that kind of recruitment already, so this one do not count as valid. However, Dubovik was in a good mode, so he decided to give poor little bastard another try to do it correct way. He activated recording systems and started to talk, and after he sent a message back to applicant.
ID: Dmitry Dubovik Target: Vladimir Duvnjak Security: Personal comms
Greetings, Comrade.
You seem like not watching news of Volgograd agency are you? If you'd did you'd know that I have removed so called ''message-style'' applications for the SCRA. So you have to do it like everyone else this days. Get your lazy ass into spaceship of any kind you can, fly to the Omega 50 and land at Boa Vista station. There you will be directed to recruitment offices. In the main hall you will see Alicia - take everything she gives you and wait for someone from commissars to pick you up into nearby office. Once you got into it - you leave either dead or as pilot of SCRA. So do not say you was not warned. If you feel like job at Mykolaiv is far more safer for you - stay there. In SCRA we risk our lives more then you had sex with woman in your life. I also will send you something for you to read while you fly shall be on your way here, so you could know what the hell is going on about you and why you not accepted yet.
Dubovik took bottle of vodka and filled his glass. -Now lets see if he smart enough not to send something back, but come here instead... (drinks vodka)