It's been a verryyyyy long time since I've seen the number of players go above 200 and I've never seen this server full
This mod is like a dream come true for players like me who LOVE space sims but not many people know about it. So many systems to explore, so many jump holes to find, so many bases to visit, so many ships to fly, so many factions to join, so many roles to play but not so many players to do it all. I've never played 4.85 but I've heard from many people that the server used to be FULL always. I feel very sad when I see only 2 or 3 people dying to keep their beloved factions alive and running.
With that being said I think this is a great time to promote this server and mod. Many people around the world have backed the new game Star Citizen at the kickstarter and are obviously waiting to play that game or 'something like it'. The game will not release until 2014 or 2015 and if somehow the owners of this mod could get their slightest attention here then I'm sure that this server will be overflowing with players! And places like Bretonia or Gallia won't be deserted anymore.