(08-27-2013, 04:26 PM)Black Widow Wrote: Increasing the server population is a good thing for 50 new players we get, 45 maybe non serious lolwuts that dont last a month but those remaining 5 increase the discovery population so its grows.
Whatever lolwuts come our way can be dealt with quite easily thru sanctions thus sifting the crap from the gold.
Legal action against malevolent players is a bit far fetched I think for many reasons not only because it would be near impossible, also the effort and money required outweigh any potential benefits gained from castrating said members in the courts you would also bankrupt a gaming forum in an hour with legal bills / lawyer costs.
To deal with such hackers and attackers is just a matter of competency on the part of the Admin Team to install safe guards and software to prevent further hacking via exposed loopholes.
Im sure the admin team are already on the case in relation to that, its just a matter of being patient and keeping the faith
For every 5 new players we get 6 old leaveing... and not because of 50 new lolwuts.
You will be surprised how many so-called lolwuts are very experienced players here. One thing admins failed at for certain is upholding rule 0.0...
EDIT: Huh? Who removed it from rules section and when?
EDIT2: It used to be something like "Be excelent to each other", never knew it got removed. Quite ironic, because it's probably bigest problem now...
(04-23-2013, 11:29 AM)Echo 7-7 Wrote: When "roleplay" around you seems to be diminishing... all you can do is be a new beacon of roleplay to light up everyone else's interactions.