Perhaps most new people are just not able to play ? I can't ;
I started with the discovery RP mod about a week ago. About 2 days ago I got auto-banned for unknown reasons. I was just trading and mining, that is all. Even though I get a new IP from my ISP every 24 hours (the lease expires) 'my account' is still banned'. My name did not show up in this forum (sanctions) :
I didn't get any response. I don't know how to continue. I joined this game with 2 other friends. I wonder how long they will keep playing without me. We did trades between LD14 (mox) and Battleship Yukon, LA (synth) .. I myself tried to mine some helium and one time helped a guy to mine Silver Ore.
I didn't cheat, didn't modify files, didn't hack, didn't attack people, didn't kill, I am sci-fi fan. My friend got a Firefly ship, I was filled with joy and also wanted the ship (it proves to be a good one too, reading all the data). Yet the "system" decided to kick me and ban me.