While everyone will site their favorite reason for why the Server and "community" is going to hell, the real main reason is that people simply got bored of Discovery Mod's content.
Then there's the fact that people and groups of people here (including me, of course, I'm no exception) are constantly working on making others leave. The [LN], Torpedos, reavers & want to make indy LN leave (and pretty much anyone who doesnt do as they tell them), Order| & co want to make ZA and TCG leave, Dab, Zelot, and liberty-conspiracy wanted to make CR leave, and I want to make hypocritical assholes who think that being hypcritical assholes requires special intelligence leave (or make them stop behaving liek hypocritical assholes if not for others sake then for their own sake).
That's my favorite reason I'd like to site, but the real reason is that people are even more bored with 4.86 than they were with 4.85.
I also think that a Server wipe would be a good idea, especially if taking away and deleting certain models/ships/concepts that people now own would help balance the mod in the next version better.
I also think the "community" would benefit if some vets learn how it feels like to be noobs again.