and the infocards
"The Privas Planetary Cluster is arguably the strangest astronomical phenomenon ever discovered by mankind. Four gas giants surround a central rocky one at equal distance, with a ring system outside the planetary cluster itself. The gas giants share an atmosphere primarily comprised of methane and inert gases. No known natural processes exist to create a stable structure like Privas, leading astronomers to question its natural origin - although Gallic scientists have lacked access to the Daam-K'Vosh artifacts and ruins that Sirius has discovered, preventing the formation of any more specific and informed hypotheses. This has not stopped them from making conjectures on how Privas maintains stability, however, and it has even generated its own drinking game practiced by commoners and students all across Gallia."
"I heard rumors about the presence of Alien species in Sirius. This might explain the weird phenomena that can be found across Gallia and have no chance to be the hand of nature. For example take the Privas planetary structure, there is no way this thing is naturally made!"
"I heard that in Sirius there are some sort of advanced aliens. I can only think from looking at the Privas planetary structure that it's their doing. I mean, look at it! Five Planets in a most unlikely formation? Not a creation of nature in my opinion."