Looks like I am going to be the one to bump this thread here.
First of all, good luck to Divine with taking control of the 101st, already I personally can see the activity from today's raid.....to New York.
Wait what?
Let me back up. I have nothing against OCs in NY, I mean, we do have NPCs there, but speaking as one of your retarded indies, how can I sit and listen to official factions telling me I cannot bring a cap I bought to NY where the activity is thicker, while at the same time you seem to have developed a very healthy interest in the region.
Might be I am wrong, perhaps your intention is to hit different houses at different times, but now that we know that the 101st has almost died from inactivity and changed its leadership, outright ignoring today's raid to Gamma and instead taking a fighter squad to NY to shoot up some LNS seems...odd.
I have a quick question. It really seems you are taking the ROS approach and distancing your RP from the OC one, taking into focus your own personal IRP goals, so tell me if you are going to be aiming to be the lead official OC faction or are you going to be going for your own ID?
This is also to see how Divine handles some criticism.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502