(09-01-2013, 02:06 AM)Druen78 Wrote: Even Nomads can't make gravity stop working. That cluster just couldn't possibly exist, period. Stop trying to make some sense out of it, it was built for aesthetical purpouse only, without the mere hint of thought to physics.
Well such add things , even in our point of view however unlikely to exist , they are not improbabille , given only enough time to assemble in that way. That is conclusion of modern physycs regarding the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
So this cluster is possible to exist in naturall phenomena , however unlikely. His uniqueness make it probabilistic eccentrism of nature. So it is possible.
Secondly our imagination of technology of some supreme alien specie is very limited. Some civilization older than ours for instance 500 earth years only , would be so advanced as if we show television to caveman. And Dam Kavosh is suspected millions ages more mature than mankind. So that cluster could be of artificiall origin.