(09-07-2013, 04:55 PM)glassofwater Wrote: Start with Pokemon Blue/Yellow/Red then move to Gold/Silver. Do not play any beyond that.
I'd play it Blue, then Silver.
Of if you can't stand the graphics, leaf green/fire red on the gba.
I tried my best, but I could never stop hating Gen 3 Solrock? A frikkin hippy stone? My BRID pokemon turns into a FRIKKIN KARATE CHICKEN? POKEMON CONTESTS?!!!??? Ughhhhhhhhhh. Crystal is baws.
Though I have tried Platinum, and I must say it seems pretty good so far, but my Nintendo DS emulator is SOOOO SLOOOOWWWW. And Duel screen is just retarded.
If you want roms/emulators check out coolrom.com, theres lots of fan made mod games too, such as games that let you catch all the pokes on one game.