While we wait for ta reports from ta Solar Runners, we 'ave made a breakthrough in our tests concernin' both ta Gallic Artifacts and ta Nomad Cell. It's been very excitin' here as of late!
Concernin' ta Gallic Artifacts, what we found was that they actually 'ave energy readin's, and give off trace amounts of radiation. Not harmful by any means, but with ta right equipment, detectable. Surprisingly, they seem to be energy sources of their own, albeit not singularly. They seem to work in tandem with other artifacts to create energy fields, for use on who knows what. When runnin' tests on both ta artifacts, ta fields created by both when connected via an electro-plasma system are noticeably stronger than studied used singularly. Fascinating, but no where near what we found after further tests.
As mentioned in meh previous logs, when in proximity of ta Nomad cell, ta energy readings spiked from both subjects. Hence ta need to keep them both in separate labs, as a precaution. Obviously seein' ta spike of energy readin's, this was of great interest to us, and for some time now we 'ave been studying the effects both 'ave on eachother.
Initially, our scientists theorized that ta magnetic fields they exerted when in proximity was of a negative response, one that if they were to find themselves too close would produce catastrophic results. Far from it we found. They both seemed to work in tandem. It seemed they both enhanced their fields and output, on a level unprecedented. We of course took every precaution when testing this.
What we were able to do, is siphon off small traces of radiation from both, enough that we could gather energy through an EPS, and attempt to merge ta two. We took every precaution of course, and after multiple trial simulations within our computers, we attempted a merger. I am happy to report, we succeeded and produced a reaction that baffled even our most senior scientists. The merger created a visible energy source within a small plasma sphere, much like a sun. I took ta liberty of uploading a still of the event here:
Suspended in an electromagnetic field, we 'ave been studying the power output and the readings are staggering. From this small merger, we estimate that it creates enough energy to power a small snub craft ship. Ta applications from this far exceed what we could 'ave hoped, and has ta potential to revolutionize modern power cores.
The one side-effect that we 'ave noticed, is the sphere itself discharges extremely high amounts of electrostatic and produce what is called "Dark Lightning". Producin' such high energy radiation, we see what looks like a lightnin' storm around the sphere, which normally would be ta result of ta electrical breakdown of high energy electrons and positrons. In this case though, it's in a manner that even we 'ave trouble explainin'. The "lightnin'" as it were does not wreck havoc on electrical equipment in a way that is destructive. In fact quite ta opposite. Whatever surface it touches, it seems to charge that area. Electrical equipment get a boost in energy, but not beyond the limits of ta power input which would cause an unstable power surge. As I said, we are still researchin' ta effects of this phenomenon, and seeing what is causing this event.
Regardless, we are working 'round ta clock and thoroughly excited about ta potentials we may 'ave unraveled.