============================ Missiles and damage to weapons
It seems as though missiles do drastically high damage to weapons. Lost two guns and nearly lost all the others through a firestalker barrage while having 17 nanobots left.
With this in mind, and how easy it is to land missiles, seems as though missiles is the best thing to use just because you strip your opponents ability to fight back well.
This was on an Eagle with 2 class 8 debs and 4 class 8 Wild 5.88 hullbusters.
Aet: By design. Missiles can neuter enemies by disarming them. Either use countermeasures (you know, that thing that occupies a slot most people have forgotten about) or a tactical CD to have your opponent eat their own missile.
Edit: To Aet: I invite you to see how effective CM's are against 2.00 firestalker spam in a group fight, and for that matter CD's as well.