General Joseph Garcia returned to his office inside the SCRA's recruitment facility onboard Boa Vista station. As he entered the first thing he noticed was a surplus of blood and a lack of new recruits.
Deciding to rectify this situation, he headed towards his terminal and began typing an internal memo to the recruitment staff.
Quote:Recruitment Officers,
I have noticed that a great many of you have been overzealous in your recruitment processes. While I'm sure that your loyalty to our cause is unquestionable, you need to understand that a lack of pilots to fly in the SCRA can only be of detriment to us. Killing everyone that enters sends a negative image of the SCRA. Much worse than the propaganda that the Houses of Sirius perpetuates against us.
Keep in mind that not everyone that comes through these doors is going to have military experience. We're revolutionaries and the main source of our recruits may come from farmers or miners, not soldiers. We cannot expect these people to be the ideal soldier but that's what training is for.
As of this moment, you are going to stop executing anyone who answers a simple question incorrectly or if they do not cater to your every whim. You can still execute the spies and those that refuse to follow basic instruction of course.
That is all.
Satisfied that his Memo would alleviate the need to constantly wear ear plugs, General Garcia leaned back in his chair and waited for recruits to slowly return to the office once they were no longer intimidated about instantaneous death. At least, not TOO intimidated.