Okay, going to focus on the results of preliminary ALG trade testing.
ALG lost High-Temperature alloy from Wuppertal, Nuclear devices from Helgoland, and mining machinery from Dortmund while gaining nothing new in the process.
Helgoland has been effectively replaced by Neu Augsburg as a scrapping operation (the scrap field isn't actually activated, I'm assuming it will be)
However, is there a reason why nuclear devices were simply moved out of ALG production?
Neu Augsburg produces toxic waste, which makes sense, but nothing else.
All three bases have a similar issue: they import a huge variety of goods, but export almost nothing.
This does not make sense given what they are: industrial facilities, refineries and smelters.
It is particularly noticeable with Wuppertal.
It offers high or even top prices for everything from Basic Alloy and Bio-neural processors, to Yttrium and Zinc and yet it only produces MazMat canisters.
With such a variety of imports, you'd expect it to produce a greater variety of goods as well, specifically alloys and various industrial goods.
Another thing that seems strange is scrap metal: ALG collect scrap, but apparently don't process it: why is scrap metal sold on shipyards rather than a smelter?
Suggestion: Move a scrap metal sell point to Dortmund rather than Oder.
Aet: Offer some suggestions for what they should be selling then? Manifolds, maybe, will need to see if that fits with the economy. As for scrap: Shipyards produce it as a byproduct of ship production. -Smelters- buy it for reprocessing. Scrap metal is basically industrial and construction waste.
No changes made. Further input needed.
(09-16-2013, 07:27 PM)Highland Laddie Wrote: @ Karst - shouldn't ALG produce Manifolds from their scrap processing, similar to Junkers?