> Don't gank them every time they log so hard that they do not log for another month. People actually have fun in something if they sometimes actually see a chance to win a fight.
> Log on their side when they initiate a raid
That's what I am allways trying to do but most of the time I find myself in command of 3-4 faction that don't have anything else inRP to shoot, everyone eager to kill RNS and get a bluescreen. They are 90% uncontrolable when it's bout ganks and usually it ends up with a huge gank where the main deffenders (bretonians) must stand down. They also have some crappy ships that are meant to omggoforword that have no chance at fighting off ganks.
This is why I think that making their ships cheaper will increse their playerbase.
In snubs fights (which are most of the time inexistent or with around 10 judges on baf side) I try to join GRN side. When it's about capital ships, a bomber doesn't make any difference when fighting like 10 battleships, their cruiser is atrocious (sold it) and the valor is way too expensive just to log it for the sake of balancing sides.
To Joker: you can't atract new players to join a specific faction if they don't get any real benefits. IMG is such a big faction because of the need to make money. Also the topic isn't about attract RP players. You'll hardly see a new player joining just because this is a RP game.
Edit 2: when I am thinking of players joining GRN is about players that will fight in Leeds. There is no real way reviving a 300000 system empty house where you can't do anything.