I'd like to suggest some changes to the Zephyr.
First of all, it's nice that it's back, but...
--- 1. The bots / bats are still 50 lower than those of any other medium and even most other light battleships. 50 bots is a lot of armor, don't be mistaken here. A comparison:
It has 827'000 armor + 1550 bots . 50 bots are worth 50 * 600 = 30'000 armor.
So, you could also say it has 797'000 armor and 1600 bots.
This actually puts it as the 3rd 4th weakest (armor/bb-wise) battleship in the game, not fitting it's medium-size and all. Giving it 50 bb more would put it in its proper place armor/bb-wise.
--- 2. It's angular acceleration (turning speed acceleration) is half of that of other medium BS. It doesn't make that up by being much smaller or anything - actually it's pretty much right in between of the Bretonian Battleship and the Liberty Dreadnought - except for being a bit more flat (more space to shoot at from top and bottom, a bit less from sides, front and back). So, suggesting it to be buffed to the same turning acceleration as the other medium battleships.
--- 3. Unlike other medium battleships it has only two heavy turrets. I guess you "justifiy" that by saying "it's a carrier", I won't get into that discussion again... Anyway, my suggestion (if there won't be a 3rd heavy turret, and/or better heavy turret arcs) is to activate the two deactivated secondary turrets (see picture) and swap the heavies with the two secondaries below the ship (see picture yet again). That way the ship's top side is decently protected and the ship has better anti-snub protection. (At the moment it's pretty much just an underpowered medium battleship...) Picture: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8udzbaxamgr8vu3/Zephyr.png