(09-20-2013, 09:20 AM)Jack_Henderson Wrote: ==============
Basic Alloys, IF (!) they are still a base repair commodity
IF (!) Basic Alloys remain the 1st repair commodity on any base, please revert prices to what they were in .86. It is not fair to favour one spot that way. In .86 nearly every inhabited planet sold them, so they were available at acceptable prices pretty much everywhere.
Daily BA shipments would cost about ~ 30-40 million, which is too much even for me who wants PoBs to be money sinks.
I agree in general, even if it's not a repair item. Simple things like Consumer Goods are already produced in House all over Sirius. Basic Alloy, Food Rations, and other "basic" items shouldn't be hamstrung to single locations.
On a side note, it appears that Tea produced on Curacao is not bought on the Luxury Liners in Newcastle, Sigma-19, or that Gallic one. I'm not sure if it's bought at the Hogosha's Casino ship, but all of these should be interested in importing a luxury item like Tea for their guests.
Optical Chips
Formerly present for sale at Planet Los Angeles and listed as a reason on said planet's infocard for Ageira being present there, they're not there anymore. Re-add and adjust trade accordingly please.