(09-20-2013, 11:17 AM)Duvelske Wrote: Honestly i think the ba prices are good. PoB are a team effort for commodities its not meant to be cheap because 1 player is suppying his/her precious base. Also you refer to the omicrons, its dangerous and goods are rather hard to aquire there. So high prices i think its inRP normal.
Those alloyes name is called basic. IF something is basic it is logically presumed that it is rather easy acessible and easily produced. Atm onlz place which produce alloys is Eerie. Make BA as earlier. Or other possibility make in all bases BA cost the same.
And second Duvelske point about teamwork. IT is true that teamwork is desirable, but i think that "teamwork" is better to be implied in base RPing instead of base upkeeping as this last thing indeed IS teamwork , but this teamwork is inclined to group itself.
There is teamwork which occurs when base become point of interest of others and different groups take part in its existence for reasons not bind to base internal organization.
Saltese is one of the best enterprises of that kind. So BA will not help real RP, neither is important. I think rather that combo -- high prices of BA + buffed commodities - nerfed ores, NeGaTiVeLy affects bases who wanna build RP through trade change and diplomatic relations prior to self grinding money farms .
Dont let us waste credits on npc generated BA , i would rather cheap ba , to spare more credits and offer better prices to (motivate more) those who would visit base and trade. With cheap supplies we can make ecconomicaly viable to establish trading POB routes with common stuff , to promote RP related basic commodity change.