MISSION 14, PHASE 2: Shadow and report on an Ageira| tagged transport.
Greetings, I have completed Mission 14 Phase 2.
I completed mission in covert ship with fake transponder "Netfire".
USI me informed that there is an Ageira Security ship in Bering and Miss Hunter authorized me to complete this assignment.
I detected vessel when I jumped in, I followed him to Freeport 2 what he used as base of operations, I used my faked backstory and he asked does I want group up with him, I accepted because in group I had perfect possibilities to shadow and track his activities, it seems Ageira has bought gunboat(s) to their security wing, and they are cooperating with Bounty Hunters Guild, he's primary targets were Unioners but once he also attacked to Rogue wing, of course I tried to make so little damage what my cover allowed to Rogues, but Ageira vessel and his another Freelancer helper had to run when Rogues dispatched 3 Destroyers. When some more Unioners were killed I finished tracking operation at Freeport 2 when target said he will take rest, by the way targets name is: Alan Pace.