Too big to be useful in any way. It's out of scale for cruisers.
If it was meant for long range artillery, it doesn't have the core to fire 2 Trebuchets and missiles have been nerfed (ammunition), so that dual missiles make no sense any more.
I suggest a decrease in size to give it the same possibilities to dodge incoming fire as all other cruisers have.
I made a little comparision of some cruisers, with the VANILLA heavy cruiser (Rheinland Cruiser) as comparision: (temporary comparision, I'll expand and / or modify it over time, when I have time.)
While the Corsair and Hessian cruiser are both bigger that the Rheinland cruiser, they are about the same size. They also have 1 turret more than the Rheinland cruiser. Now, in my opinion, the Rheinland cruiser is one of the best balanced cruisers, it can do its job very well, while not being totally overpowered.
What is very obvious from the start on: the GRN cruiser is massive compared to the others. It needs to be shrunk down quite significantly. It's "BIG" from all sides.
A minor side note: Corsair and Hessian cruiser are also not that small.