Sarcastic noises aside, okay, maybe the models need some revision, won't deny that. However, I think that with some balancing work the extra guns could have an interesting effect on PVP; the ships would have to have some sort of notable drawback, and I'm not sure what exactly that would be. Weaker than normal regen with a custom power core, shield class capping one lower than equivalent fighters, notably reduced bat/bot capacity, maybe just a general cap of class 7 guns, I don't know. That's the job of whoever works on balance.
(I'd also like to point out that if we were to actually use the patcher more often, balance tweaking could be done on the fly if it's not perfect the first time. but that's a topic for another time.)
And, fine, I'll admit it. My Hacker used a Slipstream back in 4.84, I was most displeased when a faction of questionable quality, juvenile concept from an ooRP standpoint, and a complete inability to properly fit in Discovery took it for their exclusive yet simultaneously nonexistent usage, and I'd very much like it back now.
However, I also like ships that don't fit perfectly into the existing categories of 4 gun LFs and 6 gun VHFs - the extra gun on the Border Worlds ships, the torpedo slot on the Surveyor LF and X-Shuttle, the Crow in general, and of course the entire SHF category is weird. Maybe it makes the balance team's job harder, but I think it makes PVP more interesting - and by extension, makes the mod's gameplay more interesting.
Frankly, if this was nothing more than a 4.84 vet wanting his toy back, I'd file an SRP request - which would almost certainly be denied, but whatever, it's just pixelmoney.