You have a massive object. A massive object needs a massive amount of energy to be moved, even without air/water/etc(/solar wind?!) resistance (-> space). A massive object also requires massive amounts of ressources poured into it for it to be build. The energy to get it moving is also required in form of ressources. Also, light fighter agility would mean a massive object like that would probably just tear itself apart, and, yet again, require big amounts of energy.
Now, Freelancer is obviously not the most realistic game, I mean, sun isn't just a few hundred kilometers from earth and obviously the sun is a little bit larger than a planet and a planet is a bit larger than some space stations. But still this should be kept in mind.
Besides that, there's also the question as to why any government would use their valuable ressources for a massive glass cannon / suicide "fighter", when they could rather build two or three new cruisers or even a battleship. Man power is obviously not a problem, even in the low-population-growth Outcastia, which is probably the smallest "house" in that regards. Especially considering the probably extensive use of "AIs" or as Mass Effect puts it better: "VI" - Virtual Intelligences, which don't really think for themselves but do their tasks.