The Armicustos is the new Corsair transport. It costs $41,600,000, quite a heavy price for a ship with only 2,100 cargo. One would expect such an expensive transport with such a small amount of cargo to be fast and/or have good firepower and/or be small. Unfortunately, it fires 7 turrets forwards and 5 in most other directions. It is tremendously larger than the other small transports, which you could literally fit several of inside of it, including the: Percheron (2500 cargo), Bumblebee (1800 cargo), Mammoth (2,200 cargo), and the Nanga Parbat (1,800 cargo). It needs to have its arcs improved. It should at LEAST shoot all 8 of its turrets forwards, and preferably be able to shoot a fair amount of turrets in other directions as well. It should also receive a speed boost. It is by far the slowest of any other transport with such a small amount of cargo. Even the Raba, which has 8 gunboat turrets, more hull, and better arcs, turns faster than this.
============== DEFILER ==============
I know it needed to be weakened with it being available to the public, but it is absolute crap now. Let's compare the new DEFILER (which is still incredibly difficult to get) to the other shieldbusting alternatives:
DEFILER (Codename): 400 HDPS, 2674 HDPS, 2.00 Fire Rate, 600 m/s Projectile Speed, 720 E u/s
Tizona Del Cid: 176 HDPS, 2664 SDPS, 4.00 Fire Rate, 650 m/s Projectile Speed, 580 E u/s
Imp. Debilitator Mk II: 160 HDPS, 2112 SDPS, 4.00 Fire Rate, 650 m/s Projectile Speed, 512 E u/s
Imp. Debilitator Mk I: 160 HDPS, 2088 SDPS, 4.00 Fire Rate, 750 m/s Projectile Speed, 512 E u/s
Falcon: 117 HDPS, 1940 SDPS, 5.88 Fire Rate, 700 m/s Projectile Speed, 458 E u/s
Dragunov SVD-2: 41 HDPS, 2040 SDPS, 5.88 Fire Rate, 715 m/s Projectile Speed, 517 E u/s
Carbine II: 33 HDPS, 1917 SDPS, 6.67 Fire Rate, 650 m/s Projectile Speed, 466 E u/s
So, as we can see, the DEFILER costs a ridiculous amount of power and doesn't do enough shield damage to make up for its power cost, especially at only 600 m/s.
One of the things that was unique about the DEFILER was its ability to deal hull damage, albeit less than a normal gun, but still helpful damage.
I suggest increasing the HDPS of the DEFILER up to 1200, where it would still be inadequate compared to hull-damaging guns, especially considering its enormous energy cost, but it would at least have enough damage to do something. It should also have its SDPS increased up to 3000, after all it is 2.00 and 600 m/s, which makes it more difficult to hit with than other shield-busters. At the moment, I would honestly never use the DEFILER, despite its rarity, because of its enormous energy cost which is not even made up for with damage.