With the amount of power that Light Fighter 1.00's cost, they can only be fired once, and then you need to wait 3-4 seconds before you can fire again. The problem right now is that their damage per second was calculated based on their 1.00 fire rate and balanced accordingly, but with the power core taken into account, 1.00's really can only sustain about 700-800 DPS, while flashpoints sustain more than 3000 DPS while also being faster and significantly more power-efficient with the ability to fire for quite a long amount of time.
I believe that 1.00's should have their fire rate reduced to 0.50 (they actually take 3-4 seconds, but anything less than 0.50 on a gun just wouldn't look right) in order to more accurately reflect their damage output per second in terms of balancing. They also should have their damage increased to at least 3000, because the way they are right now at 2300 damage, being able to shoot once every 3 seconds with the current power cost, their DPS output with 2300 damage per shot is only 770 compared to the flashpoint's 3025 DPS. It just doesn't make sense for these to be so ridiculously weak in terms of damage output, in terms of power efficiency, and even in terms of projectile speed.
So, first, lower their fire rate to 0.50 to more accurately reflect how frequently they can actually fire.
Then buff them in some way; increase their damage and/or projectile speed and/or range and/or lower their power cost.