Quote:If you are killed or docked whit trader ship you can't engage the player who killed you or force you to dock.
So, essentially a docked trade ship is the same as a dead trade ship. Sure...you may have saved your load of goods...but at what cost? You're stuck being docked until the pirate is killed or leaves the area. Or...you are forced to switch chars and do something else? It's basically a situation that plays heavily in favor of the pirate and punishes the trade ship for escaping!
If you are docked(trader) without been killed you can continue whit your business..
just you should not be allowed to swich to let's say some other more powerfull ship and than go and kill the player thet force you to dock.
In this game few things are in favor of pirat....
If I(pirate) engage trader and he kills me I can't return or reengage..that's ok np np
But what about trader?? 5k transport full whit comodity whit basic price 200sc or less...you lose only 1m sc and some time if you are killed and you can continue your business like nothing is ever happened.
Soo let's talk about situations that favor pirate!?!