In Transport vs Pirate situation, running and docking has always been considered a WIN in terms of PvP. This is because most transports are essentially helpless against more dangerous combat craft (especially Bombers, GB, and Cruisers). (Those are ALSO examples of things being more in a pirate's favor)
Quote: If you are docked(trader) without been killed you can continue whit your business..
Not necessarily if the pirate is camping outside the place you docked at and you are not at your final destination.
Quote:But what about trader?? 5k transport full whit comodity whit basic price 200sc or lose only 1m sc and some time if you are killed and you can continue your business like nothing is ever happened.
Depends on the commodity, how much the Trader paid for the commodity, how far the Trader has flown or has to fly to get his desired price, and if you ARE can't re-enter that system again for 2 hours (which for some is all of their available playing time for a day). So, there could be a LOT at stake for the trader in this encounter.
I kinda already talked about this in a different thread, but I just think this situation seems to more heavily favor a pirate in that the outcome for a Trader is the same whether he escapes, pays a pirate, or is killed. He's in a lose-lose-lose situation, unless his only goal is to save his cargo and then log onto a different ship for 2 hours (or just log off for the day).
But, as I also stated, the solution to this problem also lies in simply having escorts and convoying. Sucks for the lone trader trying to make money, though.