The little bell above the door rang when Joshua entered the shop.
Sir Lauderdale really didn't promise too much, this place is exclusive... Joshua thought.
"Welcome, what can I do for..."
The lady behind the counter, probably Christy herself, stopped when Joshua pulled back the hood of his deep blue trench coat, still soaking wet from the strong rain outside.
"Oh, you are from the BPA, one of the new constables, right?"
"Sergeant, to be accurate, my lady. I guess I owe you an introduction. Joshua Cooper, at your service."
"Oh my, Alan sure has a way with recruiting... seems like he got a true gentleman there. I am Christy, but it seems as you guessed that already. And you are a Sergeant? How come you never visited my house before?"
"To be honest, I didn't have the time... the workload for new recruits is quite heavy and after my promotion... well, it even got more. Anyways, I actually got some free time right now and, erm, I'd like to buy a little present for someone I know."
"Lovely! Is the presentee a female by any chance?"
How come all the girls and ladies are always looking straight through me...
"Erm, yes, yes, it's a nice girl I know..."
"Aah, well, in that case, might I recommend you some of our chocolate moist cupcakes? I could as well..."
Right then, Joshua heard the bell ringing behind him...